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Full List of Publications:

  • M.J. Turner, M.L. Cardoso de Almedia, A.M. Gurnett, J. Raper and J. Ward (1985) Biosynthesis, attachment and release of variant surface glycoproteins of the African trypanosome. Curr. Top. Microbiol. Immun. 177, 23-55
  • A.M. Gurnett, J. Raper and M.J. Turner (1986) Solution properties of the variant surface glycoprotein of T.brucei Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 18, 141-153
  • A.M. Gurnett, J. Raper, J. Ward and M.J. Turner (1986) Purification and characterisation of membrane form variant surface glycoproteins of T.brucei. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 20, 1-13
  • J. Raper  (1989) G protein function in T. b. brucei.  Ph.D.Thesis. Cambridge.
  • W.J. Masterson, J. Raper, T. L. Doering, G.W. Hart and P.T. Englund (1990).  Fatty acid remodelling:  A novel reaction sequence in the biosynthesis of trypanosome glycosyl phosphatidylinositol membrane anchors. Cell, 62, 73-80
  • K. Mensa-Wilmot, T.L. Doering, J. Raper, L.U. Buxbaum, G.W. Hart and P.T. Englund. Glycosyl phosphatidylinositol membranes anchors in African trypanosomes (1991).  In: Biology of Parasitism (C.C.Wang, ed.), AAAS Press, Washington, D.C.  pp 43-54
  • T.L.  Doering, J. Raper,  L.U. Buxbaum,  J.I. Gordon,  S.P. Adams,  G.W. Hart and P.T. Englund (1991). An analogue of myristic acid with selective toxicity for African trypanosomes. Science, 252, 1851-1854
  • T. L.  Doering, J. Raper,  L.U. Buxbaum,  G.W. Hart and  P.T. Englund (1991).  Biosynthesis of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol protein anchors.  Methods: A companion to Methods in Enzymology, 1(3), 288-296
  • J. Raper, Doering, T.L.,  L.U. Buxbaum,  and  P.T. Englund, (1993).  Glycosylphosphatidylinositols in Trypanosma brucei.  Exp. Parasitol., 76, 216-220.
  •  N. Heise, J. Raper, and M.L. Cardoso de Almeida. (1994) Characterization of a phospholipase C resistant inositol containing glycolipid from Trypanosoma Cruzi.  Brazilian J. Med. Biol. Res., 27, 233-238
  • M. Prado-Figuroa, J. Raper, and F. R. Opperdoes. (1994).  Possible location of dolichol-dependent mannosyltransferase of Trypanosma brucei to the endoplasmic reticulum.  Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 63, 255-264L.U.
  • Buxbaum, J. Raper, F.R. Opperdoes and P.T. Englund. (1994)  Myristate exchange: a second glycosyl phosphatidyl inositol myristoylation reaction in African trypanosomes. J. Biol. Chem.  269, 30212-30220
  • P. Bastin, J. Raper, A. Stephan, J.-M. Saint-Remy, F.R. Opperdoes, and P. J. Courtoy.  (1995) An Mr 145 kDa LDL binding protein is conserved throughout the kinetoplastida order. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 76, 43-56
  • N. Heise, J. Raper, L.U. Buxbaum, T.M.S. Peranovich and M.L.C. de Almeida. (1996) Identification of complete precursors for the glycosylphosphatidylinositol protein anchors of Trypanosoma cruzi J. Biol. Chem. 271, 16877-16887
  • J. Raper, V. Nussenzweig and S. Tomlinson.  (1996) Lack of correlation between haptoglobin concentration and trypanolytic activity of normal human serum. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 76, 337-338
  •  J. Raper, V. Nussenzweig and S. Tomlinson. (1996) The main lytic factor of Trypanosoma. b. brucei in normal human serum is not high density lipoprotein.  J. Exp. Med.  183, 1023-1030
  • S. Tomlinson and J. Raper. (1996) The lysis of Trypanosoma brucei brucei by human serum. Nature Biotechnology. 14, 717-721
  • S. Tomlinson, M Muranjan, V. Nussenzweig, and J. Raper. (1997)  Haptoglobin-related protein and apolipoprotein A-I are components of the two trypanolytic factors in human serum.  Mol. Biochem. Parasitol.  86, 117-120
  • S. Tomlinson and J. Raper. (1998) Natural human immunity to trypanosomes. Parasitol. Today. 14, 354-359
  • J. Raper, R. Fung, G. Ghiso, V. Nussenzweig and S. Tomlinson. (1999) The characterisation of a novel trypanosome lytic factor in human serum. Infection and Immunity.  67, 1910-1916
  • M. P. Molina Portela, J. Raper and S. Tomlinson. (2000) An Investigation into the Mechanism of Trypanosome Lysis by Human Serum Factors Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 110. 273-282
  • J. Raper, M. P. Molina Portela, E.Lugli, U. Frevert, S. Tomlinson. (2001) Trypanosome lytic factors: Novel mediators of Innate Human Immunity. Current Opinions in Microbiology. 4, 402-408
  • J. Raper, M. P. Molina Portela, M. R. Redpath, S. Tomlinson, E. Lugli, H. Green (2002) Natural Immunity to African Trypanosomiasis: Trypanosome lytic factors and the blood incubation infectivity test. Molecular epidemiology and molecular diagnosis of parasitic diseases. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 96, 2-5
  • H. Green, M.P. Molina Portela, E. St. Jean, E. Lugli, J. Raper (2003) Evidence for a lipoprotein scavenger receptor in Trypanosoma brucei brucei. J. Biol. Chem. 278, 422-427
  • Lugli EB, Pouliot M, Portela Mdel P, Loomis MR, Raper J (2004) Characterization of primate trypanosome lytic factors. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 138, 9-20.
  • M.P. Molina Portela, E.B. Lugli, E Recio-Pinto, J. Raper (2005) Trypanosome Lytic Factor, a subclass of high-density lipoprotein, forms cation-selective pores in membranes. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 144, 218-26
  • M.P. Molina Portela, M. Samanovic and J. Raper (2008) Distinct roles of apolipoprotein components within the trypanosome lytic factor complex revealed in a novel transgenic mouse model. J. Exp. Med. 205, 1721-1728
  • *Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluations for Molina-Portela MP et al J Exp Med 2008 Aug 4 205     (8):1721-8
  • Special commentary, In this Issue: Triple punch against trypanosomes by Hema Bashyam
  • R. Thomson, P. Molina-Portela, J. Raper (2008) Identification and Cloning of Baboon proteins which Kill Human Infective African Trypanosomes in vivo. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 79, 350-390
  • M. Samanovic, M.P. Molina-Portela, A-D.C.Chessler, B.A.Burleigh, J. Raper (2009) Trypanosome Lytic Factor, an Antimicrobial High Density Lipoprotein, Ameliorates Leishmania Infection. PLoS Pathogens Jan;5(1):e1000276
  • E. Bettiol, M. Samanovic, A. S. Murkin, J. Raper, F. Buckner and A. Rodriguez (2009) Identification of three classes of heteroaromatic compounds with activity against intracellular Trypanosoma cruzi by chemical library screening. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Feb;3(2):e384
  • R. Thomson, M. Samanovic, J. Raper (2009) The activity of Trypanosome Lytic Factor- a novel component of innate immunity. Future Microbiology 4(7): 789-796
  • R. Thomson, M.P. Molina-Portela, H. Mott, M. Carrington, J. Raper (2009) Hydrodynamic gene delivery of baboon TLF eradicates animal and human infective African trypanosomes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106: 19509-19514
  • Lukeš J, Raper J., (2010) Prophylactic antiparasitic transgenesis for human parasitic disease? Mol Ther. 18(10):1745-1747.
  • Capewell, P*. Veitch NJ, Turner CMR, Raper, J, Berriman, M, Hadjuk, S, Macleod, A. (2011) Differences between Trypanosoma brucei gambiense groups 1 and 2 in their resistance to killing by trypanolytic factor 1. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Sep; 5(9):e1287
  • Frevert U, Movila A, Nikolskaia OV, Raper J, Mackey ZB, et al. (2012) Early Invasion of Brain Parenchyma by African Trypanosomes. PLoS ONE 7(8):e43913.
  • Structure of the trypanosome haptoglobin-hemoglobin receptor and implications for nutrient uptake and innate immunity. Higgins MK, Tkachenko O, Brown A, Reed J, Raper J, Carrington M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan 29;110(5):1905-10.
  • Parasitology: Molecular one-upmanship.Raper J, Friedman DJ. Nature. 2013 Sep 19;501(7467):322-3. doi: 10.1038/501322a. PMID: 24048062
  • Evolution of the primate trypanolytic factor APOL1.Thomson R, Genovese G, Canon C#, Kovacsics D, Higgins MK, Carrington M, Winkler CA, Kopp J, Rotimi C, Adeyemo A, Doumatey A, Ayodo G, Alper SL, Pollak MR, Friedman DJ, Raper J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 May 20;111(20) PMID: 24808134
  • Transient expression of proteins by hydrodynamic gene delivery in mice. Kovacsics D, Raper J. J Vis Exp. 2014 May 5;(87).PMID: 24837006
  • BH3 domain-independent apolipoprotein L1 toxicity rescued by BCL2 prosurvival proteins. Heneghan JF, Vandorpe DH, Shmukler BE, Giovinazzo JA*, Raper J, Friedman DJ, Pollak MR, Alper SL. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2015 Sep 1;309(5):C332-47. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00142.2015. PMID: 26108665
  • Cloning of the African indigenous cattle breed Kenyan Boran.Yu M, Muteti C, Ogugo M, Ritchie WA, Raper J, Kemp S. Anim Genet. 2016 Apr 25. doi: 10.1111/age.12441. PMID: 27109292
  • A Primate APOL1 Variant That Kills Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Cooper A, Capewell P, Clucas C, Veitch N, Weir W, Thomson R, Raper J, MacLeod A. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Aug 5;10(8):e0004903. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004903. eCollection 2016 Aug. PMID: 27494254
  • African trypanosomes evade immune clearance by O-glycosylation of the VSG surface coat. Pinger J, Nešić D, Ali L, Aresta-Branco F, Lilic M, Chowdhury S, Kim HS, Verdi J, Raper J, Ferguson MAJ, Papavasiliou FN, Stebbins CE. Nat Microbiol. 2018 Aug 3 (8):932-938 PMID: 29988048
  • Inducible Germline IgMs Bridge Trypanosome Lytic Factor Assembly and Parasite Recognition. Verdi J, Zipkin R, Hillman E, Gertsch RA, Pangburn SJ, Thomson R, Papavasiliou N, Sternberg J, Raper J. Cell Host Microbe. 2020 May 14:S1931-3128(20)30239-0. PMID: 32416060
  • All You Ever Wanted to Know About APOL1 and TLFs and Did Not Dare Ask. Verdi J, Schaub C, Thomson R, Raper J. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2116:463-483. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0294-2_28.PMID: 32221937
  • Apolipoprotein L-1 renal risk variants form active channels at the plasma membrane driving cytotoxicity. Giovinazzo JA, Thomson RP, Khalizova N, Zager P, Malani N, Rodriguez-Boulan EJ, Raper J, Schreiner R.Elife. 2020 May 19;9:e51185. doi: 10.7554/eLife.51185. PMID: 32427098
  • Cation channel conductance and pH gating of the innate immunity factor APOL1 is governed by pore lining residues within the C-terminal domain. Schaub, C., Verdi, J., Lee, P., Terra, N., Limon, G., Raper, J., & Thomson, R. (2020). Cation channel conductance and pH gating of the innate immunity factor APOL1 is governed by pore lining residues within the C-terminal domain. The Journal of biological chemistry, jbc.RA120.014201. Advance online publication. PMID: 32727852

Media publications:

  • 2000    New York Times Magazine June 4, -interviewed and published in “Triumph of     the Brainiac (The Smart Set)” -an article on Intel Science Talent Search semi-    finalists at Midwood High School in Brooklyn
  • 2007    New Scientist August 25, -interviewed and published in “Ending the     nightmare” -an article on African sleeping sickness and trypanosome lytic     factors.
  • 2011        Nature Medicine January Vol 17 (1) 14-17-interviewed and published in     “Putting Sleeping Sickness to bed”-an article on African sleeping sickness       and therapeutic strategies.


Last Updated ( Monday, 14 September 2020 16:32 )